I have edits for Chivalry Isn't Dead in my inbox. I've gotten them mostly done, but I"m waiting to send them out to do one more full read through. I caught a spelling error that the editor didn't so now I"m worried about the more obscure errors like "he" instead of "she". I HATE seeing that in books, and now I"m paranoid.
Today the day job was long and tedious, and right now it feels like it's 10 at night already. The girls just got home from school about a half hour ago, and I"m just exhausted.
Still need to figure out what I'm going to make for dinner tonight, once again, not a clue.
Need to watch Supernatural's season finale soon so I'm not spoiled. I've got it on my DVR. I was watching Heroes of Cosplay last night, OMG Yaya Han is AMAZEBALLS. The finale with the Alice: Madness Returns costumes was AMAZING. Seriously impressive. I'm totally in love with cosplayers, they're incredible with the thoughts and talent they put into their costumes.
Need to do more plotting for other series. My Healing Springs series is book mapped. As far as I know who is going in what order, and the BIG stuff that happens in each book. But the little stuff needs found out.
I need to write one book in my horror series to see if it's possible to make it an Erotica and be able to publish it through Siren.
I"m so unbelievably tired that I'm ready for bed. Need to do a LOT before going to bed though :(
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